Copper Hills High School Sets New Record for Blood Donations

CHHS HOSA Students The Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) at Copper Hills High School have once again showcased their commitment to community service by breaking their record for blood donations. In a remarkable display of generosity, the school collected 174 units of blood during last month’s drive, surpassing the previous record of 170 units set in May 2024. The blood drive聽qualifies Copper Hils High School’s HOSA students for a $900 scholarship!

These blood drives are crucial in supporting the needs of Utahns facing health crises. According to ARUP Blood Services, a minimum of 75 donors is required daily to meet the demand, with a monthly target of 2,200 units of blood needed. Each high school HOSA program within 麻豆区 District contributes to this vital effort by organizing blood drives for ARUP Blood Services.

A heartfelt thank you to the HOSA students and staff at Copper Hills High School for their unwavering dedication to helping others and significantly impacting lives through their blood donation initiatives.